Parenting Course


"Why do I have to keep saying the same things over and over again?"

"There’s got to be a better way to bring up children…..all I seem to do is nag and shout."

"I never have any time for myself."

I  am pleased to be able to offer an eight week parenting course designed by ‘The Family Caring Trust’.  The course has been completed by thousands of parents around the world and is different from many courses, as its emphasis is on learning skills rather than just giving you information.  The course is designed to help you create a family environment in which your children can learn to feel valued, become responsible and develop their fullest potential.  The aim is not to change or modify children’s behaviour to come up to some kind of ideal or model.  Each child is recognised as unique and special and part of your task it to encourage this creativity and uniqueness.

Each week a different topic is explored.  A workbook is included in the course material and you are encouraged to read the relevant chapter to prepare for the class.  During the class we share experiences, what we have learnt during the week, watch a DVD and practice skills. There is lots of time for discussion, debate, tears and laughter!   There is no childcare provided but all non-mobile babies are welcome.   Cost: $200 includes workbook and homemade refreshments!